

Rating: Solid 4 stars.

For those of us who have read Haunting Adeline we all know the tragic tale that is Adeline’s great-grandmother Genevieve (Gigi).

But with Phantom, HD has given us even more of a picture of that beautiful story and how the relationship developed between Gigi and Ronaldo.

Written in a similar format to Haunting Adeline with Gigi’s Jounral entries ending many of the chapters, HD takes us back to the 1940s to unveil even more detail behind who, why, and how Ronaldo became Gigi’s stalker and how they fell in love. And though we know the tragic ending of their story, within Phantom, we are left with a Happy Ever After…for now. Then to top off all the cute vibes, we get a bonus scene that beautifully wraps everything together.

Overall I found Phantom to be a beautifully simple love story. It gives you a bigger picture of the circumstances around the events of Gigi’s life and why she fell for her stalker. It also gives the story a more historically accurate experience. There were definitely some details that that i figured out that made knowing the whole story even more shocking…but ill let you discover that for yourself.

Oh, and to top it all off, the spice was absolutely on point.


Morally Black Series By Gigi Styx


CHAOTIC Musings…