CHAOTIC Musings…
Welcome to the spot where I dump all my thoughts, questions, and theories about the upcoming adition to Shantel Tessier’s L.O.R.D.s Series.
(Content will be adjusted as books are re-read and more teasers from Shantel are released)
So, Here we go!
MMC: Adam.
(It has to be. I refuse any other option. Adam as the MMC makes the most sense with the interconnected plot lines from the series so far.)
FMC: unknown (nickname…Angel?!)
(Girl he rescues from dollhouse? Or somehow connected with dollhouse?…)
Other theories for story:
5th spade brother??
Is it Nite from dark kingdom?
Or is it Tyler Cason Crawford from seven deadly sins series?? (File on plane during epilogue in Madness)
Was he sold as a child by the society??
Where did Kashton disappear to after Adam “funeral” and after plane meeting in Madness??
What did they ask the spade brothers to do? To help them with? What businesses??
Is that how Shantel will set up Kashtons book for after Adam’s??
(DK) Is Adam the guy who sold Jasmine a bunch of real estate??
They definitely have/had a relationship, but so did her and kashton?
Jasmine is NOT THE FMC, but will most likely be involved.
Chaotic Playlist: intense, tragic, Adam vibes, FMC involved with dollhouse or gets taken? Heartache, lost and found
This book will be even more of a crossover event between DK and LORDs. (Slaughter AND Seven Deadly Sins)
Notes from re-read of Slaughter:
Avery and Presleigh (Clarke) Decker
Tristan Decker (Avery younger brother)
Locations: Vancouver and NYC (specifically at the club, Seven Deadly Sins)
Avery and Tristan(tech guy, stays mainly behind the scenes, but alias Jensen) work for govt…phone calls received, but person/handler on other end wasn’t named…killing men who use/traffic/sell women and children in sex slave trade. They operate in the world to begin taking it down.
Could the un-named handler be connected to the detective or a LORD? Or related to the handler in Seven Deadly Sins?
Victor Decker (Avery and Tristan’s father) is a big player in the trafficking of sex slaves.
Damon, prominent purchaser of slaves