We met in a Restaurant

I decided to take myself out to dinner. It’s one I don’t make often enough. There is a certain mindset you need to be in to do it. Being able to go into a restaurant and sit by yourself, waiting to be served, it can be nerve racking to say the least. 

The trick, other than a positive treat yourself mindset, is to be prepared.
My crossbody bag bounces on my hip as I approach the doors of the restaurant I’ve chosen. It's big enough to hold my phone and travel notebook. That’s how I’ve come prepared.
Writing my people watching observations, or whatever other inspiration comes to mind. 

I chuckle to myself as I open the door, a bit nervous and enjoying that in just a moment, I’ll be making someone feel awkward for giving one person a table.

Or I’ll see pity in their eyes.
I hope to god it's not pity. I really hate pity. It's the one thing that could ruin the positive mindset I finally feel right now. 

“table for one?” the hostess asks looking around me for another person to magically appear.

The restaurant is simple and elegant. Not a high class place where I would need a reservation, but also not the basic family style ones you see everywhere. It has a modern chic atmosphere with lower lighting, the tables are slate black with white accented chairs or booths. There is a bar to the far right, most likely stacked with everything you could ask for.

I definitely plan to order one.

I smile at the hostess, “yep, just…”

“table for two”

A deep voice says behind me. Right behind me. I freeze in place. The warmth of his body radiating across my back, paired with his deep voice, a shiver runs down my spine.

I shudder. What the actual fuck.

“Perfect” the hostess responds with a curious look at me and a smile, then leads the way to a booth situation on the left.
I follow her all the way to the booth before I slide into it and finally look at the rude intruder of my self-date dinner.

I stare. Frozen again.
Of all the fictional men I’ve pictured in my head, I find this one to be better than them all.
I shake head after realizing I'm staring like a creep, but you know what, he is obviously a creep. I mean who intrudes on a persons dinner like that? The nerve of this very handsome man in front of me…

Also, now that I’m starting to come out of shock, what am I doing? I don’t know this guy…and I'm letting him join me, without any resistance. What is wrong with me?! There has to be something wrong with me. Maybe I am reading too many dark romance novels.
Note to self, read more non-romance novels.

Clearing my throat, I summon the courage to be blunt,

“You didn’t need to intrude on my dinner” I say to this man who is casually staring at me from the other side of the booth. I mean seriously, could he look more devilishly handsome? 

He lifts an eyebrow and cocks a small grin, “intrude?”

“yes…” I hesitate for a moment, “intrude. Here I am taking myself to dinner, and very happy to do so, by the way.” I add that last comment for extra snark. I'm not sure where this sass is coming from but, oh well. Might as well roll with it to see what the deal is with this guy.

“I see.” He says calmly.

I just stare at him. There has to be a better response coming than, ‘I see’. I mean really.

He smiles, chuckling to himself, “I’m Jay”

“and…?” I gesture a hand to add dramatics and he smiles bigger.

“I was at the bar and noticed you come it. I find you rather attractive so I allowed impulse to pull me to you once I heard the hostess say you were here alone.”

“I see…” I muse back at him and try to hide my blush. I haven’t been on a date in years. Nor have I had any experiences with males other than casual co-worker talk at work. But what am I even doing entertaining this guy? I must really feel desperate for attention or something. I can’t believe I haven’t asked him to leave…why haven’t I asked that? 

I take a deep breath and allow my thoughts to go in a different direction.
Yes, he may have intruded, but perhaps this is the universe giving my an opportunity to interact on a date like situation. I mean, it’s not like it’s an actual date and after eating we will part ways.
Then again, if this goes well, maybe it could grow to be something else? 

A little risk to maybe gain some reward. 

“Helen” I say softly. 

“Its nice to meet you, Helen”

Well, shit, I'm in trouble.
The way he just said my name. MY NAME! I have to shift slightly in my seat to try and distract myself from the heat that just spiked through my body. 

“So, Jay,” I continue as casual as possible, “Tell me a bit about yourself”

“As long as you do the same.” He winks at me.

I nod. Not knowing how my voice will sound at this moment. I'm seriously in trouble if he keeps flirting like that.
I really need to lay off the romance novels. 

“Okay then.” He nods matter of factly.

With that, we begin talking. From family, past to present, to passions and goals, interests and favorite hobbies. I even end up pulling out my travel notebook to show him a couple of the short story ideas I’ve written about. We talk through the waitress coming with drinks, then our food, and then another round of drinks.

By the time I finally look at my phone for the time, I realize I should head home. I did not expect to be out this late, though…it was kinda worth it.
“I have a bit of a drive back, I should be heading out.”

He responds by handing me his phone and then gesturing I give him mine. I do, and we exchange phone numbers.
“Until we meet again” we return our phones and I start to slide out of the booth.

He follows my lead and we walk out of the restaurant together, and then all the way to my car.
“Well, what a gentleman” I say with a bit of sass, secretly loving that he made sure I got to my car. It's old school but the protection and strength is there and appreciated.

“Always” he says and holds his hand out.

I shiver at that word and place my hand in his. He gives my knuckles a light kiss.
I blush again, something I've been doing many times throughout dinner together. He smiles at me, then steps back so I can get into my car.

“Goodnight Jay, and thank you for deciding to join me.”

“You’re welcome Helen,” he pauses for a moment, “Text me when you get home?” 

I laugh. “uh huh, the “gentleman’ emerges again”


We met in a Coffee Shop