We met in a Bookstore

“Hey, What can I get started for you?”

I take one more quick glance at the menu and decide to order my go-to favorite.

“I’ll have a medium mocha latte, please, with almond milk if you have it.”

“Sure, I’ll have that for you in a moment” The barista responds with a smile.

“Thanks” I say back, paying for the drink.
I step to the side where the handing sign says ‘Order Pick-Up’, allowing for other customers to place their own orders of caffeine infused sugary beverages.

While waiting, I start glancing around the shop and am thankful to find few people around. Since it’s a Saturday, I expected it to have a number of people congesting the aisles. 

Some people say that book stores are on the out…but I don’t think they ever really will. There is something about walking into a bookstore or even a library that calls to a deep part of our soul. The smell of new books is just as intoxicating as the typical ‘new car smell’.

“Here’s your mocha”, the barista says and I jump a little.

“Thank you” I say with a smile and chuckle to myself about how distracted I was inside my own head.

With my beverage now in hand, I walk away from the café area and into the shelves and shelves of books. I have a bit of a routine when entering any book store. If there is a café, then coffee is the first priority. Next is to scope out where all the sections are, marking mentally where the priority ones are that I will be going to. Most stores have display tables or smaller sections that hold specific authors or genres, and I make sure to pay attention to those as well.

Once I have a good grasp on the store as a whole, I begin to wander, and actually look at the books. I try to never go into this with a goal in mind. 

As a reader, it’s an atmosphere and a simple pastime. Something to enjoy, exploring new books that catch your eye, reminiscing on books you’ve read, and letting the time slip away. Almost as good as actually reading a book itself. 

I begin to wander through the young adult section. Though honestly, it’s become one of my least favorites. With the female characters mostly angsty and unable to see any part of the big picture without throwing a pity party or being angry at another character for longer than necessary, I get tired and annoyed very quickly. Yet, here I am, wandering through it anyway in hopes that I find a book that will bring me back into the YA genre's warm embrace.
It was my safe haven growing up and there are a few particular series that will always hold a place in my heart.
Getting to the end of the row, it seems that today is not the day for my mind to be changed.

I shrug to myself, oh well.

Walking around the shelves, I head toward the tables in the middle of the store. Always changing, they hold popular authors or new releases or specific series based on themes throughout the year. It being winter, the tables seem to be basic themes based on genres.

I catch sight of a table that holds many books I’ve recently read. Making my way there, I let my fingers trail along a couple of my favorites. Books always teach me something either about myself or the world. I always seem to read the right book at the right time for whatever I need, either fiction or nonfiction.

After a moment, I’m completely distracted with my own thoughts of these books below my hands, I realize I am not alone.
Taking a sip of my coffee, I take in the person on the other side of the table, looking at one of my absolute favorite books.
Swallowing, I look at the book in their hand and decide to speak up…it is my favorite after all.
“If you enjoy an enemies to lovers trope, that book is pretty much perfection” I say softly, just loud enough to make it across the table.

I look over at the person just as they look up at me and brown eyes clash with mine.
He smiles softly, “Really? Perfection?”

I smile back, “pretty much, yea. That series is one of my absolute favorites. I’ve read it a few times.”
He quirks a brow, “a few times?”

I blush slightly at his response, nodding as I distract myself with other books on the table.

“Well then” I hear him contemplate, “i'll keep that in mind. Thanks.”

“no problem” I say and move on to another table.

I eventually finish off my drink and then finally venture to another section of every book store that warms my soul.

The poetry section.
I take in a breath as I stand in front of the shelves that hold the artistic words of others. I allow my eyes to graze the titles until I find one of my favorite authors. I pull one of the books down and begin to flip through the poetry, letting the words cover my soul with love and understanding.

Suddenly I freeze, feeling someone coming close to me.

“…starlight through clouds,

like light in a tunnel

but they forget that it's only seen

by the darkness around them..”

His voice is soft, whispering the words that I just happen to be looking at in the book I'm holding. I smile, still looking at the book and not the person next to me.
“beautifully said” I whisper back.
“I saw you holding that book and figured I would return the favor. That is one of my favorites and I highly recommend it.”
“it is?” I ask and finally look at him. He is beautiful. Dark colored wavy hair that looks like it needs a bit of a cut, strong jawline that makes me want to…
I take a second to take a breath. I don’t need to go down that road, this is literally just an initial conversation between fellow readers.

He nods at my question, “it is. Those words got me through a tough time.”

A breathy laugh leaves my mouth, “it helped me through a hard time as well. Helped me feel not alone in my pain.”

“yea, poetry is best for that.” He turns to face me, holding out his hand, “I’m Xavier”

“it is.” I pause for a moment to put the book back on the shelf. Turning to him I shake his hand, “Sarah, is there another book that’s your favorite?”

His smile is warm as he dramatically holds out his arm, for me to take.
I laugh and hesitantly place my hand around his elbow.
He leads the way to the sci-fi and fantasy section, which is honestly not a surprise, and comes to a stop when he finds what he is looking for.
He shows me two different books that he holds as favorites from when he was a kid. Xavier says just enough about why they are his favorites that I decide to show him another one of my own childhood favorites.
“So, childhood favorites, check.” Xavier says with a smirk, “What about your current favorite?”
“I told you that already at the table.” I say with a smirk.
“True, will you show me another one?”
My mind swirls with all the options that I could choose from, but ultimately there is only one other option. I take off down the aisle with a huge smile on my face and I hear him chuckle behind me before following.

After a few moments of searching through the tables, I finally find what I'm looking for and pick up the book that opened my eyes to a new genre, as well as some new perspectives in life.
I feel him come up behind me and look over my shoulder at the novel I'm holding.
“That’s the same one I was looking at.”

I smile, “yep. It was something different that ended up leading me down a genre that opened my eyes and helped heal a bit of my heart. Whenever I see someone looking at it with interest, I always try to let them know that it's worth the read. You never know if they need it in that moment, like I needed it when I initially read it.”

“hmmm” he says and takes the book from me. He looks it over again and then tucks it under his arm.
I stare at him.
“What?” he asks, “it's highly recommended.”

I laugh. “That it is. Now, what’s your current favorite?”

His smile is contagious, and I can’t help but smile in return as he leads me to another section and pulls out his current favorite.
I stare at the book.
“Seriously?” I ask.
“Yep,” he says, popping the end.
“Huh, I'm honestly a bit surprised.”

“This story was a refuge for me when I needed it. I related a lot to one of the characters.” He pauses for a moment, “as you said, one of those books that came to me when I needed it.”

“Perfect.” I say and tuck the book under my arm. I needed a new book to read and I'm very curious to see if I can figure out what character he may be related to…and I might want to have an excuse to have another conversation with him.
“Xavier, I need your phone.” I say and hold out my hand.
Smiling, he hands it over,

“In that case, I think I need yours Sarah.”
I hand mine over.
We return phones after adding our contacts and head over to the registers to make our purchases.
As we head out into the parking lot, I look over to Xavier,

“See you later Xavier”

He smiles back at me, “I'll see you later Sarah”


We met in a Coffee Shop